Definitions of Entitlement Source Fields

Use these fields to add and edit absence entitlement sources.

Field Description
Name Enter the name for the entitlement source. You should use a name that clearly represents the type of absence that the source handles.
Provider Select a provider class to link to the entitlement source.
Note: For information, see Provider Classes.
Priority Enter the priority of the entitlement source. When a user books absence against a category that is linked to two or more entitlement sources, the entitlement source with the lowest number - which indicates a higher priority - is used to calculate absence against.
Obsolete Select this option to prevent users from booking absence against the entitlement source. This option is used to phase out an entitlement scheme.
Minimum Security Level
Select the level of security of the entitlement source. This option dictates who will see absences booked under the entitlement scheme in the Absence Matrix.
Source Type Select the source of entitlement to use for absence bookings from the following options:
  • Accrued Amount. Select this option to deduct time from an employee's accrued absence balance.
  • Fixed Amount. Select this option to deduct time from an employee's annual holiday allowance.
  • No Amount. Select this option if the entitlement scheme should not deduct time from an employee's annual holiday allowance.