Provider Classes

Each absence entitlement source must be linked to one of two available provider classes - Accrual or Personal. Each provider class can be defined using days or hours.

The following provider classes are available to link to entitlement sources:
Entitlement Source Provider Reason for Use Considerations
Accrual Daily Use if an accrued entitlement scheme is required, and where absences are booked in days. Provides less flexibility, as users must book absence in full days, or half days.
Accrual Hourly Use if an accrued entitlement scheme is required, and where absences are booked in hours. Provides more flexibility, as users can book absence in hours.
Personal Daily Use if a simple fixed entitlement scheme is required, and where absences are booked in days. Provides less flexibility, as users must book absence in full days, or half days.
Personal Hourly Use if a simple entitlement scheme is required, and where absences are booked in hours. Provides more flexibility, as users can book absence in hours.
Mixed Providers Use if a more complex scheme is required, which combines any of the above providers to handle different annual personal holiday scheme requirements. Requires more management to upkeep multiple entitlements, since an absence category must be linked to the same entitlement provider type - this requires multiple categories of the same type to link to all the different entitlement sources.