Subscribe to Documents Linked to an Organization

You can subscribe to a document pool to get notified when documents linked to an organization are added or updated in the pool.

To create a document subscription against an organization:

  1. Navigate to the organization record.
    You can search for organizations in the Activity Zone. For information, see Search for Organizations.
  2. Click the Tools tab.
    If the Tools tab is not visible, click more to display additional tabs.
  3. In the Subscriptions section, click .
  4. In the Add Subscription dialog box, use the Please select a Document Pool list to select the document pool that you want to subscribe to.
    Note: If you select a parent document pool, you will be notified when people add or update documents in all child pools.
  5. From the Please select a Notification method list, select one of the following notification options:
    Notification Type Description
    Dashpart Select this option to receive notifications in your Subscriptions dashpart in the Personal Zone for all updates to the document pool.
    Email Select this option to receive individual emails for each update to the document pool.
    Email Digest Select this option to receive a daily email digest for all updates to the document pool.
    Dashpart and Email Select this option to receive notifications in your Subscriptions dashpart, and an individual email for each document update to the document pool.
    Dashpart and Email Digest Select this option to receive notifications in your Subscriptions dashpart, and a daily email digest of all document updates to the document pool.
  6. Optional: In the Please enter Subscription name field, modify the name of the subscription, if required.
  7. Click Save.