Apply Quick Filters

You can apply one or more quick filters to narrow your document search results by, including file type, publish date, and only your published documents.

To apply a quick filter:

  1. On the Documents Searching screen, tap Advanced Filters.
  2. On the Adv Filters tab, under Quick Filters, choose one or more of the following filters to apply:
    Filter Type Description
    All File Types Select a single file type to filter your results by. If you select the User Specified option, you must select the file extension from the File Extensions list.
    All Dates Select a date range to filter your results by. This is the date when documents were published to PIM.

    You can choose Last Week, Last Month, Last Year, or you can define a custom date range.

    All Documents Choose to show all documents, or only the documents that you have published.
  3. Tap Apply Filters.
    If you have already run a document search, the search results update to reflect the selected filter(s).