Apply Custom Filters

You can apply up to three additional custom filters to filter your document search results by, such as document date, organization, project, status, and so on.

To apply a custom filter:

  1. On the Documents Searching screen, tap Advanced Filters.
  2. On the Adv Filters tab, under Additional Filters, use the Filter by list to select a filter type.
  3. Depending on your selection, do either of the following:
    • If you selected a date-based filter, tap the calendar icons to specify a date range.
    • If you selected an item-based filter, such as a project or organization, enter the name of the item that you want to filter by in the field that displays below the Filter by field. As you type, a list of matching results displays, and you can tap an item to select it.
  4. Optional: To exclude the selected filter from your search results, select the Exclude From Results check box.
    For example, if you select to filter by a specific project, you can select this option to exclude all documents linked to the project.
  5. Tap Apply to add the filter.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to add additional filters. You can apply a maximum of 3 additional custom filters.
  7. Tap Apply Filters.
    If you have already run a document search, the search results update to reflect the selected filter(s).