You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > expense reports > Entering a new expense report from an expense widget

Entering a new expense report from an expense widget

Before you begin

To enable the new button on an expense widget

  1. Click > to open Design mode, and click the tab the expense widget is on.

  2. Click to open the widget menu and click Edit.
  3. In the Task Options section, check the Enable "New" button check box.
  4. Click Save.

A New button will now be available below the widget header.

To enter a new expense report

  1. Click the New button on the widget.

This will launch either the ClickOnce application or Expense Reports in the browser if the feature is enabled..

  1. If applicable, select the employee.
  1. Select the Expense Report beginning date.
  2. Select the Expense Report ending date.
  3. If you want to copy a previous expense report, check the Copy Expense Report from... check box and select a expense report you want to copy.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Enter your expenses using:




About expense reports with multi-company

About expense reports in the browser

About expense reports


Setting up expense reports in the browser

Entering expense reports in the browser

Adding attachments to expense reports in the browser

Submitting expense reports in the browser

Copying expense reports in the browser

Copy expense report row in the browser

Changing expense reports in the browser

Deleting expense reports in the browser

View expense report notes in the browser

Printing expense reports in the browser

Previewing attachments on an expense report in the browser

Unsubmitting an expense report in the browser

Approving an expense report in the browser

Changing processed expense reports in the browser

Reapproving expense reports in the browser

Unapproving expense reports in the browser

Setting up expense reports

Entering an expense report

Submitting an expense report

Copying an expense report

Changing an expense report

Deleting an expense report

Printing an expense report

Unsubmitting an expense report

Changing a processed expense report

Paying an expense report

Approving an expense report

Sort Expense Report Details


Optional columns for the credit card list in expense reports in the browser

Optional columns for expense report details for Expense Reports in the browser

Expense report date rules

Optional columns for expense report for Expense Reports in the browser

Expense Report inquiry

Expense Report Detail inquiry

Expense Allocation inquiry

Transaction Expense inquiry

Approve Expense Reports window



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