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Optional columns for expense report for Expense Reports in the browser

To select optional columns for expense report for Expense Reports in the browser

  1. Click > Manage > Expense Reports.
  2. Click to open Expense Report Optional Columns window.
  3. Select the optional columns you would like to add.
Department The department associated with the expense report.
Advance The amount of any advance given to the employee as reported on the expense report.
Credit Card Amount The amount of all items on the expense report charged on a company credit card.
Personal Expense The amount of all items charged on a credit card that the employee reported as a personal expense.
Reimbursement Amount The amount that the company will reimburse the employee. It is the amount of all expenses less advances and personal expenses.
Submitted Indicates if the expense report has been submitted.
Supervisor Approved

Indicates if the supervisor has approved the expense report.

Accounting Approved

Indicates if the accounting staff has approved the expense report.

Expense Rejected Indicates if the expense report was rejected by the supervisor or accounting staff.
Processed Indicates that the expense report created general ledger entries, a vendor invoice for non-credit card transactions, and bank entries for credit card transactions.
Needs Reapproval Indicates if the expense report requires reapproval.
Reapproved Indicates if the expense report has been reapproved.
Has Attachments Indicates if the expense report has attachments.
Preview Attachments Available is Upload Attachments is enabled. Use to view PDF and image file attachments.
Submitted Date The date the expense report was submitted.
Submitted By The name of the employee who submitted the expense report for processing.
Reapproved Date The date the expense report was reapproved.
Reapproved By The name of the accounting staff who reapproved the expense report.
Accounting Approved Date

The date the accounting staff approved the expense report.

Approval requirements depend on your settings in Company Preferences.

Accounting Approved By

The name of the accounting staff who approved the expense report.

Approval requirements depend on your settings in Company Preferences.

Supervisor Approved Date

The date the supervisor approved the expense report.

Approval requirements depend on your settings in Company Preferences.

Supervisor Approved By

The database identifier of the supervisor who approved the expense report.

Approval requirements depend on your settings in Company Preferences.

  1. Click OK.



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