Transaction Expense inquiry

Use this inquiry to see information about each expense transaction, such as transaction status, date, project ID and description, activity, vendor, and cost and spent amounts.

If needed, you can add predefined columns and view supplemental information such as cost rate, vendor invoice number, and expense payee.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > Transaction > Transaction - Expense.


Accounting staff

Standard columns

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available



The status of the transaction

Examples: Billable, Nonbillable, Hold


Transaction Type


The type of transaction

Examples: Worksheet, Entry, Expense Report Advance




The date of the transaction


Project ID &


The ID and description of the project associated with the transaction


Phase ID & Description


The ID and description of the phase associated with the transaction




The type of work or expense associated with the transaction

You use an activity for establishing billing rates, invoicing, and reporting.

Examples: Billable Time, Administration, Project Management




The vendor associated with the transaction


Cost Amount


The amount paid to employees for work performed or for out-of-pocket costs for expenses and consultants for the transaction


Spent Amount


The total amount of expense expended on the transaction at the billing rates/markup

Ajera determines the spent amount from the billing rate table.


Billed Units/Hours


The number of units or hours billed for the transaction


Billed Amount


The amount billed for the transaction


Is Invoiced


Indicates whether the transaction has been added to a client invoice


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. Many columns are available, organized in these categories:

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available

General info:

Transaction Key


The database identifier of the transaction


Original Transaction Key


The original database identifier of the transaction


Cost Rate


The rate that reflects the actual cost of the transaction without overhead or profit


Premium Markup Rate


The percentage by which special types of hourly rates, such as overtime or double time, are marked up for the transaction


Premium Cost


The of representing the increase to the employee's pay to reflect pay for hours entered as premium time (such as overtime and double time) for the transaction


Cost + Premium


The of the transaction + the

This does not include any markups.


Labor DPE Rate


The percentage to mark up labor to reflect the cost of direct personnel expense associated with the transaction


Labor Overhead Rate


The percentage to mark up labor to reflect the cost of overhead associated with the transaction


Cost Burdened


The of the transaction + the overhead amount


Cost + Premium Burdened


The of the transaction + the + the overhead amount


Payroll Cost w/Exp and Cons


The payroll cost of labor for the transaction without overhead and DPE costs, plus expenses and consultants

Payroll cost is the total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.


Payroll Cost Burdened w/Exp and Cons


The payroll cost of labor for the transaction with overhead and DPE costs included, plus expenses and consultants

Payroll cost is the total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.


Payroll variance


The amount calculated when the actual amount paid to a salaried employee for the transaction is greater than or less than the standard cost calculated at the time of entry


Spent rate


The rate at which time and expense were expended on the transaction at the billing rates


Transaction Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company associated with the transaction


Transaction Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company associated with the transaction



Project Key


The database identifier of the project associated with the transaction


Project ID


The ID of the project associated with the transaction


Project Description


The description of the project associated with the transaction


Project Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the project associated with the transaction


Project Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the project associated with the transaction


Phase Key


The database identifier of the phase associated with the transaction


Phase ID


The ID of the phase associated with the transaction


Phase Description


The description of the phase associated with the transaction


Phase Order


The order of the phase associated with the transaction


Phase Department Key


The database identifier of the department for the phase that is associated with the transaction


Phase Department


The name of the department for the phase that is associated with the transaction


Project Type Key


The database identifier of the type of project associated with the transaction


Project Type


The type of project associated with the transaction

Examples: Commercial, Educational Facilities, Environmental Planning, Interiors, Medical Facilities, Residential


Principal in Charge Key


The database identifier of the principal associated with the transaction


Principal in Charge


The principal associated with the transaction


Project Manager Key


The database identifier of the project manager associated with the transaction


Project Manager


The project manager associated with the transaction


Billing Contact Key


The database identifier of the billing contact associated with the transaction


Billing Contact


The billing contact associated with the transaction


Billing Manager Key


The database identifier of the billing manager associated with the transaction


Billing Manager


The billing manager associated with the transaction


Activity Key


The database identifier of the activity associated with the transaction



Employee Key


The database identifier of the employee associated with the transaction




The name of the employee associated with the transaction


Employee Type Key

Employee Type

The database identifier of the employee type associated with the transaction


Employee Type

Employee Type

The employee type associated with the transaction

Examples: Architect, Project Manager, Principal, Administration


Employee Department Key


The database identifier of the department of the employee associated with the transaction


Employee Department


The department of the employee associated with the transaction


Employee Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the employee associated with the transaction


Employee Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the employee associated with the transaction


Utilization Key


The database identifier of the utilization type associated with the transaction


Utilization Order


The order of the utilization type associated with the transaction


Utilization Description


The name of the utilization type associated with the transaction

Utilization types define employee time as direct or indirect, such as direct, sick, vacation, or marketing.


Timesheet Key


The database identifier of the timesheet associated with the transaction


Timesheet Row

Timesheet Detail

The timesheet row associated with the transaction


Timesheet Date


The end date of the timesheet associated with the transaction


Timesheet Overhead Group Detail Key


The database identifier of the overhead item associated with the transaction


Timesheet Overhead Group Detail


The name of the overhead item associated with the transaction


Time Rejected By Key


The database identifier of the employee who rejected the time submitted for the transaction


Time Rejected By


The name of the employee who rejected the time submitted for the transaction


Time Rejected By Date


The date when the time submitted for the transaction was rejected


Time Start Time

Timesheet Detail

The time when the timer on the timesheet was started for the transaction


Time End Time

Timesheet Detail

The time when the timer on the timesheet was stopped for the transaction


Client invoice:

Client Key


The database identifier of the client associated with the transaction




The client associated with the transaction


Client Type Key

Client Type

The database identifier of the client type associated with the transaction


Client Type

Client Type

The client type associated with the transaction


Invoice Group Key


The database identifier of the invoice group associated with the transaction


Invoice Group


The invoice group associated with the transaction


Client Invoice Key

Client Invoice

The database identifier of the client invoice associated with the transaction


Client Invoice Status

Client Invoice

The status of the client invoice associated with the transaction

Examples: Draft, Approved, Hold, Final


Client Invoice Employee Type Key

Employee Type

The database identifier of the employee type associated with the transaction on the client invoice


Client Invoice Employee Type

Employee Type

The name of the employee type associated with the transaction on the client invoice


Client Invoice Number


The ID of the client invoice associated with the transaction


Client Invoice Date


The date of the client invoice associated with the transaction


Client Invoice Cutoff Date


The date on the client invoice that determines when the transaction is billed to the client


Billing Cost Rate


When a billing rate is determined as a multiple of cost, this is the cost rate that is multiplied to calculate the billing rate for the transaction


Billing Cost Amount


When a billing rate is determined as a multiple of cost, this is the total amount for the transaction based on that billing rate


Markup Rate 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


An increase to a cost by a specified percentage to reflect direct personnel expense, overhead, and/or profit for the transaction


Markup Accumulate 2, 3, 4, 5


Indicates if a markup is applied to the cost plus previously applied markups, not just the cost


Markup Amount 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


The amount added to a cost amount to reflect direct personnel expense, overhead, and/or profit for the transaction


Billed Rate


The rate used to bill a client for work or expenses incurred for a transaction

Ajera determines the billing rate from the billing rate table.


Billed Rounding Adjustment


The amount Ajera adjusts the billed amount of the transaction on the client invoice so that the invoice total matches the total of the subtotals


Sales Tax Amount


The amount of sales tax calculated for the transaction


Written Off Hours


The total number of write-off hours associated with the transaction


Written Off Amount


The total amount of write-off associated with the transaction



Time Approval Status


Shows whether the time submitted for the transaction is approved, rejected, or neither


Overhead Group


The name of the overhead group associated with the transaction


Vendor invoice:

Vendor Key


The database identifier of the vendor associated with the transaction


Vendor Type Key

Vendor Type

The database identifier of the vendor type associated with the transaction


Vendor Type

Vendor Type

The vendor type associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice Key

Vendor Invoice

The database identifier of the vendor invoice associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice Number

Vendor Invoice

The ID of the vendor invoice associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice Date


The date of the vendor invoice associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice Accounting Date


The reporting date Ajera uses for the vendor invoice associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the vendor invoice associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the vendor invoice associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice Notes


Any notes for the vendor invoice associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice Description


The description of the vendor invoice associated with the transaction


Vendor Invoice on Hold


Indicates whether the vendor invoice associated with the transaction is on hold


Vendor Amount to Pay


The amount to pay on the vendor payment associated with the transaction


Vendor Amount to Write Off


The amount to write off on the vendor payment associated with the transaction


Expense report:

Expense Report Key

Expense Report

The database identifier of the expense report associated with the transaction


Expense Report Row

Expense Report Detail

The row in the expense report associated with the transaction


Expense Payee


The recipient of the payment for the expense associated with the transaction


Expense Credit Card Key


The database identifier of the credit card used to charge the expense associated with the transaction


Expense Reference


The number used to group the expense associated with the transaction on the credit card bank register


Expense Personal Item


Indicates whether the expense associated with the transaction is a personal expense

1 indicates that it is; 0 indicates that it is not.


Expense Rejected By Key


The database identifier of the employee who rejected the expense associated with the transaction


Expense Rejected By


The name of the employee who rejected the expense associated with the transaction


Expense Report Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the expense report associated with the transaction


Expense Report Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the expense report associated with the transaction



Paycheck Key


The database identifier of the paycheck associated with the transaction


Paycheck Status


The status of the paycheck associated with the transaction

Examples: Preliminary, Processed, Paid, Void


Pay Key


The database identifier of the pay associated with the transaction


Pay Description


The description of the pay associated with the transaction


Pay Date


The date the paycheck associated with the transaction was paid




Applies only when you set up Ajera to process withholding for multiple states.

The state for state withholding assigned to the transaction.


Local tax


Applies only when you set up Ajera to process withholding for multiple states.

The local tax assigned to the transaction for tax withholding.


Payroll Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the paycheck associated with the transaction


Payroll Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the payroll associated with the transaction



In-house Expense Key

In-House Expense Log

The database identifier of the in-house expense associated with the transaction


In-house Expense Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the in-house expense associated with the transaction


In-house Expense Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the in-house expense associated with the transaction


Beginning Balance Type


The type of beginning balance associated with the transaction

Examples: Open Vendor Invoice, Unpaid Client Invoice, Unbilled WIP


Is Deleted


Indicates whether the transaction is deleted


Is Current


Indicates whether the transaction is current




Indicates whether the transaction is work-in-progress


Is Cost


Indicates whether the transaction is a cost


Is Write-off


Indicates whether the transaction is a write-off


Is Fee


Indicates whether the transaction is a fee


Is Time Rejected


Indicates whether the transaction is rejected time


Is Non 1099


Indicates whether the transaction is a non 1099 transaction


Manager Notes


Any notes from the manager about the transaction

Applies to timesheet and expense report transactions




Any notes about the transaction


Defined links:

Link - Timesheet


A link to the Timesheet inquiry


Link - Expense report

Expense Report

A link to the Expense Report inquiry


Link - Client invoice

Client Invoice

A link to the Client Invoice inquiry


Link - Vendor invoice

Vendor Invoice

A link to the Vendor Invoice inquiry


Link - GL Entry - Accrual

GL Entry

A link to the GL Entry inquiry


Link - GL Entry - Cash

GL Entry

A link to the GL Entry inquiry with a condition limiting the information to cash entries