Setting up company security

Checking a box on the Company tab allows employees in the role to see the item on the menu. They can also see and select the item from a list window, add a new item, and change or delete the item.

If you clear a check box, employees in this role can only see and select the item from a list window.

To set up company security

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Company > Roles.

Ajera automatically contains these default roles: Administrator, Project Managers, Principal, Employee, Marketing, and Entry Clerks.

  1. Click the Company tab.
  2. Enter information as follows:
Select To allow members to


Multi-company only. Set up and maintain multiple companies in a single Ajera database.

For more information, see Setting up security for multi-company.

Bank accounts

Set up and maintain bank accounts.


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

Set up and maintain departments, which includes identifying departments for which you want to track project and financial information. Set up and maintain reporting entities and organizational levels.

This option only applies if you selected the Use departments check box on the General tab of company preferences.

Chart of accounts

Identify the accounts for which you want to track financial information. Set up and maintain account groups.

If employees in this role will be setting up and maintaining your chart of accounts, select this option.


For in-house payroll only.

Perform payroll tasks using Ajera Payroll or a payroll service.

Recurring vendor invoices

Set up recurring vendor invoices.

If you also want to allow members to create recurring vendor invoices, select the Recurring vendor invoices check box on the Manage tab.

Recurring journal entries

Set up recurring journal entries.

If you also want to allow members to create recurring journal entries, select the Recurring journal entries check box on the Manage tab.


Set up and maintain your company’s annual budgets. These budgets can be used in financial statements to compare actual performance to budgets.

Beginning balances

Enter and change beginning balances through the > Setup > Company > Beginning Balances menu.

Distribute DPE/Overhead

Distribute direct personnel expense (DPE) and overhead costs for labor transactions for a specified date range. The distribution method is based on the option selected in company preferences.

Recalculate time

Recalculate time after adding or changing an employee pay rate.

Close fiscal year

Close the financial accounts for the year. When closing the fiscal year, balances for Profit and Loss (P&L) accounts are reversed out and an entry is created to retained earnings for the net income amount.

Custom fields

Create and maintain custom fields.


Set up and maintain your company preferences, which include options for accounts, billing, payroll, and time entry.

Collaboration User Credentials

Check to allow users to enter their Collaboration user credentials to be able to see the Collaboration Widget.

This check box is disabled until Collaboration is enabled in Company Preferences ( > Setup > Company > Preferences > Integration tab).

Revenue formulas

Enable the Revenue Formula menu option to appear on the > Setup > Company menu, allowing you to create custom revenue formulas.

This check box only appears if you have selected a formula revenue method on the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Project tab.

Credit card import settings Check to allow users to setup import credit card settings.
Bank feed connection Check to allow users to set up bank feed connection.

Government reporting:

Form 1099

Print .

Payroll forms

For in-house payroll only.

Access and print payroll forms.

  1. You can use the buttons at the lower left of the window to page through this information for other roles.