About recurring vendor invoices

A recurring vendor invoice is an invoice that you expect to pay on a regular basis, such as every month. You set up a recurring invoice so that you can then quickly create it for the month (or some other time period) and pay it. In this way, you avoid entering much of the same information repeatedly.

Working with recurring vendor invoices is simple:


Do this


To accomplish this


Set security for recurring invoices

> Setup > Company > Roles > Company tab and Manage tab

Set security so that you can set up and create recurring vendor invoices.


Set up recurring invoices

> Setup > Company > Recurring Setup > Recurring Vendor Invoices

Set up recurring invoices to occur on the same date each month or on a specified date.  

You can also choose to set up a recurring invoice so that Ajera automatically pays it. The invoice then appears as paid in > Manage > Vendor Invoices with no outstanding balance.


Create recurring invoices

> Manage > Recurring Vendor Invoices

When you create recurring invoices, you select the time period for the invoices you want to create.

Ajera then displays a list of recurring invoices you set up for that time period.

You confirm which invoices you want to create (and those invoices then appear in > Manage > Vendor Invoices > Existing tab, and in > Manage > Vendor Payments).

At this time, you can also make any one-time changes to an invoice.


Pay invoices you created as recurring invoices

> Manage > Vendor Invoices > Existing tab

> Manage > Vendor Payments

You now pay the recurring invoice as you would any other vendor invoice.

If you selected to automatically pay an invoice, you skip this step.