Setting up reports security

You can set up report security to control what reports, financial statements, and statement groups appear on the > Reports menu and whether employees in the role can change the reporting period, and preview and print from the Reports menu.

Before you begin

Verify that employees have permission to:

To set up reports security

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Company > Roles.
  1. Select an existing role and click Edit, or create a new one by clicking New.
  2. Click the Reports tab.
  3. To view and print session journalsClosed, click the Session journals box. This capability helps those roles who enter timesheets, vendor invoices, client receipts, and other daily tasks so they can verify their input.
  4. Checking the Session journals box enables the My sessions only check box.
    To view and print only session journals for an employee's own sessions, click the My sessions only box.
  5. To preview and print a report, click Allow. To select all check boxes, right-click and click Select All. To clear them all, right-click and click Deselect All
  1. Use the buttons at the lower left of the window to page through this information for other roles.