SAP BO Supported Features

Note: All Cloud Customers will be updated from Business Objects 4.2 to Business Objects 4.3 in 2024. This update will ensure continued support of the Business Objects solution as well as providing you with a more modern interface and additional functionality for report writers. The Live Office tool will be deprecated with the update to Business Objects 4.3. Deprecation means the feature will still be available throughout the BO 4.3 release. However, no new enhancements are planned for this feature, and new Platform & Data source support will be very limited.

Note: It is not possible to license BPM Analysis Bundle with Essentials or Flex. Therefore, there is no access to Design Studio or SAP Lumira.

Additionally, the following BO features are also available for Development Environments for Flex:

  • Information Design Tool (IDT)
  • Universe Designer
  • Translation Management
  • Web Intelligence Rich Client
Warning: Deltek reserves the right to terminate any long running reporting queries to ensure your environments are protected. Deltek will terminate any queries that run for 60 minutes or longer and will notify the Customer of such terminations through Deltek Customer Success.

Note: From Business Objects version 4.2 SP5, a (GDPR) data protection popup message has been introduced. The message reads: "The product contains open or freely configurable entry fields, which are not intended for storing personal data without additional technical and organizational measures to safeguard data protection and privacy." End users can silence this message by selecting "Do not show this message again".

Live Office

Live Office is a plugin for Microsoft Office that allows users to connect directly to Business Objects reports and universes and pull in data to office documents.

Warning: Please be advised that due to SAP de-supporting Live Office in certain Business Objects versions and limitations within our Cloud infrastructure, we are no longer able to offer Live Office to Customers on Maconomy X1 or Maconomy 2.2.4.

Live Office is fully supported for those Customers on Maconomy version 2.4.1 or higher.

If you would like to use Live Office please raise a Support Case through the Deltek Support Center. A template has been provided here for your convenience:
  1. Open the Deltek Support Center and click Submit Case.
  2. Use the following template to create your RNT ticket:
    1. Product > Maconomy -- Maconomy Solutions
    2. Severity Level > S4 -- General
    3. Issue Type > Technical
    4. Summary > "FAO DCO: User for access to Live Office"
    5. Detail > "Please set up the following user(s) for Live Office access:
      1. User Name:
      2. Email Address:
      3. "Please also provide the Live Office plugin link for download by members of our organization."
  3. Click Continue, and then click Finish Submitting Case.

Custom Report Development

When creating new custom versions of standard reports and universes or creating new custom reports and universes, they must be saved within the dedicated BPM Custom folder or a user-defined folder that resides under the Custom folder. Custom reports and universes that reside outside of theses folders may not be preserved following system upgrade processes.

Additional note on the use of the BPM Custom folder:

The folder can be found on all system types within the main report folder and main universe folder.

Example: Maconomy Essentials & Flex > Customer/Tenant ID > Business Performance Management > Custom.

All custom reports and universes should reside under the appropriate Custom folder. It is expected that any report or universe published to the Custom folder (or Custom subfolder) will retain the same location between all system types when promoted between systems.
Note: It is very important that the default and standard Maconomy BPM reports and universes remain unchanged and are not updated or overwritten during extension development processes. If this occurs, the affected reports and universes will be reverted back to standard, and custom changes will be lost at upgrade. If required, the standard Maconomy BPM reports and universes may be copied to the Custom folder and then updated for use in custom development.
Note: To ensure the performance of the Production Maconomy environment is maintained, the Essentials and Flex Business Performance Management reports execute against the Maconomy Disaster Recovery database. This database is replicated in real time from Production.