Export Search Records

You can export search result records to a comma-separated values (.csv) file format. The records that you select on the Search Results grid and then apply to the search also determine which records are available for export.

Before you export search result records to a .csv file, you should first specify whether you want to export all or just a subset of search results. See Refine the Search Results topic for more details.

To export search result records to a .csv file format:

  1. Click at the top right of the Search Results grid.
  2. On the Export as CSV dialog box, click Export All to export all search records or click Export # Selected Rows to export a subset of returned search records.

    The Export button that displays depends on the number of records that you selected and applied to the search.

    Vantagepoint downloads the .csv file to your computer and you can then save it to a network or directory, or share it with other team members.