Basic Searches

When you build basic searches, you can quickly add search criteria, preview the records returned in the Search Records grid, and click the paging control to view the number of search records returned.

If you are updating either an existing standard search (such as, All, Active, My Active) or a personal, shared, or complex search, you can update, add, or remove search criteria fields and conditions, and then save the search as a new search with a different name.

If available, a Selection search appears in the Saved Search control () at the top of most Hub and application forms and also in the Saved Searches list. The word Selection indicates what is sometimes known as an ad hoc search. Only one ad hoc Selection is available at any given time in the Saved Searches list, where it will remain unchanged until you either update it or create a new ad hoc selection search.

For more information, see Select Records for an Ad Hoc Search and Edit an Ad Hoc Search Selection in Saved Search.