Find a Record via Lookup Search

Use Lookup search to find all records of a single type, across the database. For example, you might search all projects, all employees, or all contacts.

To find records in a search lookup:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select a hub or application.
  2. Click on a lookup field.
    For example, click on the Supervisor lookup in the Employees hub.
  3. Click to display a list of records associated with the hub or application in which you are working, as well as options for selecting a specific record from the list, adding a new record, and creating a new records search.
    See also Drop-Down Lists and Lookups and Adding New Hub Records on the Fly topics for more information about adding records to lookup fields.

    You can enable the Find words that sound the same when performing searches preference to locate records that sound the same in lookups across all hubs and applications. This type of record search allows you to find names or words with variant spellings or that contain diacritical (accent) marks or special characters, as illustrated in the following name examples: Steven/Stephen or Rene/Renee or Smith/Smyth/Smythe.

    For more information about finding word records that sound the same when performing searches, see Set the Search Preference to Find Words That Sound the Same and Find Words That Sound the Same topics.

  4. If you cannot find a specific record in the lookup list, click Search at the bottom of the list, and then use Lookup Search to locate records across the database.

    Vantagepoint displays the New Search dialog box. In most cases, all new searches default to the Status = Active criteria as the first condition. However, you have the option of either modifying the default search or selecting a different search. A list of all available records appears in the Search Results Grid.

  5. On Select Searches, click to select an existing search from the list.
  6. If you need to expand or limit the search results, click the More Search Options link and then modify the search criteria or build a new search.
    Vantagepoint displays advanced settings, search criteria grid, and other options with which to modify or build a new search.

    For more detailed procedures on how to build searches, see the Build a Basic Search, Build an Advanced Search, and Build a SQL Where Clause Search help topics.

  7. In the Search Results Grid, scroll through the records, select the record(s) you want to add to the lookup field, and then click the Select Record button.
    Depending on the lookup, you can select either one record or multiple records. Vantagepoint closes the New Search dialog box and inserts the record in the lookup field.