Search Lookups

A Lookup search narrows your search results and eliminates the need to scan through large numbers of records. Each Lookup search locates all records of a single type (all projects, all employees, all contacts, and so on) across the database.

You can search for records that share certain characteristics. For example, use a Lookup search to find all of your contacts who are located in New York, or all of your projects of the same type. You can also use a Lookup search to find a single record, such as a particular employee's Employees hub record.

You can enable the Find words that sound the same when performing searches preference on the General tab of the My Preferences dialog box to locate records that sound the same in lookups across all hubs and applications. Use this type of record search to find names and words that have variant spellings or that contain diacritical (accent) marks or special characters, as illustrated in the following name examples: Steven/Stephen or Rene/Renee or Smith/Smyth/Smythe. For more information, see Set the Search Preference To Find Words That Sound the Same topic.

The New Search dialog box that displays when you search from a lookup is the list view version. Either select a search or click More Search Options to view and edit the search criteria.

Click Search on the Lookup drop-down list to open the New Search dialog box. You can select the More Search Options option to view and edit existing search criteria. Use the Searches list to open a standard, legacy, personal (My Searches), or shared search to locate a different set of records. Some dialog boxes also include an Advanced Settings option, which you can use to access additional features for customizing a search. See the Advanced Searches, Build a SQL Where Clause Search help topics for more information.

The availability of lookup records is determined by the record level access options selected on the Record Access tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

On the Lookups tab in Settings > General > Options, you establish settings that control how lookups work, such as the number of records displayed at one time in the results grid in a lookup dialog box, the maximum number of records that can be retrieved by a lookup at one time, and how search results display on your Dashboard.