Run or Preview a Favorite Report

When you run a favorite report, Vantagepoint automatically retrieves previously set options and previously defined data from the appropriate records and generates a formatted report in a separate window.

Favorite reports are efficient to use because they preserve all of the options, record selection criteria, and report language (if you use multiple languages) that were previously defined.

Favorite reports may include legacy reports that you can run but not edit. Legacy reports display with an asterisk beside the report name.

To run or preview a favorite report:

  1. From the Navigation Pane, select My Stuff > Reporting.
  2. Click the Favorites tab to display a list of all your favorite or most frequently used reports.
    Favorite reports preserve all of the options, record selection criteria, and report language (if you use multiple languages) previously specified for them.
  3. To filter long lists of favorites:
    Filter ByDescription
    Name or Type Fields Enter text in either or both of these fields to display only the favorite reports that match the text you entered.
    Options Field Select the Changed filter to display only the favorite reports for which option settings have changed.

    Select the Not Changed filter to display only the favorite reports for which the options have not changed.

  4. Click the report name.
    The report automatically generates and opens in a new preview window.
After you run the report and review the data, you can use the toolbar options on the report window to do any of the following: