Download a Report

When you download a report, you specify the specific file format (such as a Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, or Excel file) and which pages to download. You can download the report from either the report's Preview window or directly from the Reporting form.

Prerequisites: In Reporting, run a report.

To download a report from the Preview window:

  1. Click Download on the generated report's toolbar.
  2. Select the type of file:
    Microsoft Word Document Vantagepoint generates the report as a Microsoft Word document with the .doc file extension. You can then use Word formatting options to modify the appearance of the report. If you generated the report in landscape orientation, set the page orientation in Word to landscape to preserve the report layout.
    Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Vantagepoint generates the file in a format that you can open and work with in Excel. The file extension is .xls. Use this option if you want to add your own calculations to the report in Excel.
    PowerPoint Generates the file in a PowerPoint format. The file extension is .pptx.
    Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Vantagepoint generates the report as a Tagged Image File with the .tif file extension.
    MHTML (web archive) Generates the report as a web page archive file. The file extension is .MHTML.
    CSV (comma-separated values) Vantagepoint generates the report as text file that contains a set of data items separated by commas. The file extension is .txt and can be opened in a text editor or spreadsheet application, such as Excel. The .csv files are often used for exporting and importing to and from various applications.
    XML Document Vantagepoint generates the report as an XML file with an .xml file extension.
    Data Feed Generates a text file of the report data with an .atomsvc file extension
  3. To open the report file after it generates, select the file and click Open.
    Vantagepoint opens the file in the application that is associated with the specified file type on your computer.