Cost Analysis View Toolbar

The Cost Analysis view toolbar allows you to search, display projects in a List View, view schedule analysis, enter progress, and print records.


Use this field to enter a search string for locating a control account or work package. You can also click to display the Control Account Search dialog box, where you can select the control accounts or work packages that you want to display on the Cost Analysis grid. You can also use the Advanced display of the Control Account Search dialog box to create filters for your control accounts or work packages.

For more information, see Search Overview.

List View

Click to display the Projects List View. This option brings you back to the starting place for projects, where you can select a different project for cost analysis or choose to view the progress update or progress approval forms. If you simply want to view a different project on the Cost Analysis form, use the Search field.


Click to display the Barchart Options dialog box where you can select a different barchart bar set and view the bar legend.

After a new installation or an upgrade, the Default bar set is selected for all projects.

You can edit and create additional bar sets in Administration ยป Bar Sets (if you have the appropriate permissions).

Schedule Analysis

Click to display the Schedule Analysis view. You can perform schedule analysis on a project if there is an associated schedule project in Deltek PM Compass. This button is only visible when you select a project that is linked to a schedule.

Enter Progress

Clicking this menu option displays the Enter Cost Progress Form or Enter Schedule Progress Form, depending on the option selected in the Source System to Update group box of the Progress tab of the Projects form.


Click to perform any of the following print options:


Click to launch the help topic for the Cost Analysis view.

What do you want to do?

Find control accounts or work packages that are not progressing according to plan

View explanation of variance for a control account or work package

View time phased resource data for a control account or work package

Enter cost progress

Set up project-level thresholds

Learn about Progress entries

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