Assignment History Report Overview

Use this report to analyze how long it takes the assignees in the workflow steps to do their required action, such as approve. The Workflow List report shows how long it takes to complete a workflow and the current assignee on the workflow. This report shows all of the past assignments for each step in the workflow. The past assignments can be viewed on the workflow Progress tab when you click Show Past Assignments in the Assignment grid header.

By selecting columns such as Days Assigned and Days Step Past Due, you can determine how long it takes a particular user to perform their workflow action. This information can be used to determine training needs to shorten the approval time of the entire workflow.

If you select Show Workflow ID as Hyperlink on the Options dialog box General tab, you can click each workflow ID to view a report for that selected workflow. If the workflow has a specific report selected in the Specific Report to Run for this Workflow Type field in Workflow Type Configuration, clicking the workflow ID displays that report for the selected workflow. If the workflow does not have a specific report selected in Workflow Type Configuration, clicking the workflow ID displays the Workflow List report for the selected workflow.

This report is designed to print a standard workflow type. If you add columns to the workflow type, these columns will not display on the report. You will need to create a custom report and add the fields to the report. If you choose a workflow of a type that contains different information than the standard report, the report will fail. For more information about working with custom reports, see the Deltek PM Compass Custom Reports and MSQL Server Reporting Services Guide.

Filtering the Data

Click in the Report grid Selection column to display the Assignment History Search dialog box that you can use to filter your report data. You can specify either specific records or criteria when you define the filter that the system uses when creating the report.

For more information, see Modify Standard Reports and Specifying Criteria vs. Specific Records (Values).

Report Options

Click in the Options column to display the Assignment History Options dialog box which includes the following tabs:

All tabs on the Options dialog box share some common options and buttons.

Report Field Formulas

For calculated report field formulas, see Calculated Field Formulas and Descriptions.

What do you want to do?

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