Alternate Date Set

If the forecast class selected in the Cost Set field on the Progress tab of the Projects form uses an alternate date set, then the forecast dates displayed in the grid on the General tab are the alternate date set. You can only edit the one forecast date set in the Enter Progress view.

Alternate forecast dates are determined by the class. If the selected forecast class uses a date set other than forecast, then these dates are used. For example, early or late dates may be selected on the forecast class using the fields ESD/EFD or LSD/LFD.  When an actual start or finish date is updated, the alternate date set is updated as well as the default date set. 

If you are editing the time phased forecast, the forecast dates are updated in the live project before the progress is approved. Deltek therefore recommends that the forecast class use an alternate date set.

What do you want to do?

Enter and submit cost progress

Steps to run after cost progress is approved

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