System Calendar Form

Use the System Calendar form to indicate the non-working days of the week.

For more information, see System Calendar Overview.

Identify Non-Working Days

Select the check boxes for the days you want to indicate as non-working days.

Show Holidays for Previous Years

Select this check box to include holidays from the previous years.

If you select this check box, the Holidays grid displays all  previous, current, and future holidays. If you leave this check box cleared, the Holidays grid displays only holidays for the current and future years.

Holidays Grid

This grid allows you to insert, copy, and delete holidays. Changes made to dates on this grid affect any calculated due dates that are being processed for alerts or workflows.

Grid Toolbar




Click the drop-down arrow to display the following options:

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to open the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.


Click this button to add a new row in the Holidays grid. The new row is created below the current row.


Click this button to add a new holiday that is similar to an existing holiday. You can modify the copied holiday.

Position the row selector n the row that you want to copy and then click Copy. The copied holiday displays in the row below the current row.


Click this button to delete the selected row.

Grid Columns

Field Name



Enter the holiday date or click to select a date from the calendar lookup.

The date must be unique.


Enter a description for the holiday.

You can sort a column by clicking the column header.

What do you want to do?

Set the non-working days

Define the system settings

Schedule a schedule export process

Schedule a schedule import process

View location

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