Saved Searches and Options Security

The Search functionality of Deltek PM Compass helps you filter records using search criteria. The advanced search has complex capabilities, allowing you to select options or values of practically every column in the database.

After selecting these options, you can save them using the Organize Options dialog box, which displays when you click the Organize button. You can find the button in certain search dialog boxes and options dialog boxes (for example, Report Options dialog box). In addition, you can save options in reports and then share them across multiple reports using the same dialog box.

The Organize Options dialog box that displays for searches is similar to that of options.

Every setting that you save in Personal Searches or Personal Options is only visible to you. You can create folders below the personal folder to organize your saved settings. The Delete button is enabled when you select a personal search or option, allowing you to delete your own saved settings.

For more information, see Access Control Overview, Search Overview, Global and Personal Searches.

Global Searches/Options

If your primary role indicates that you can access Global Searches or Global Options, you can do so. Other users can view all searches and options saved in this folder. Moreover, any users with access to create a global search or option can create sub-folders in the global folder.

Global searches and options must have unique names.

If your primary role indicates that you can delete global searches and/or options, the Delete button is enabled.

Personal Searches/Options

All users have full access to their personal folders. They can create sub-folders, name files according to their preferences, and delete any personal search or option.

Personal file names have to be unique only for the logged in user such that two users can have the same name for a personal saved search.

What do you want to do?

Perform a quick search

Select a record from a Search dialog box

Save a search

Use a saved search

Create a folder of a saved search

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