Report Security

Deltek PM Compass allows you to customize a report, such as modifying columns, sorting, and groups. Any updates, however, only reflect the next time you log on to the application, unless you save the changes to a new report. You can either save the modified settings for everyone or copy the report such that the new column settings are connected to the new report name.

For more information, see Access Control Overview and Reports Overview.

Reports have Access Control to secure important reports and share useful reports with other users. If you are the owner of the report or a member of the SYSADMIN group, you can perform the following tasks:

If you are not a member of the SYSADMIN group, you can change the Access Control if you meet the following conditions:

Saving a Report

By default, only the owner can view a saved report. To allow other users to view the report, the owner must provide the needed access. The read-only flag ensures that only you (as the owner) or a member of the SYSADMIN group changes the saved settings.

Selecting a value in the Options column or Section column in an existing row in the Reports grid saves settings for you (as the logged on user). You can remove these settings by taking one of the following actions:

To save settings, copy the report to make it a personal report.

Deleting a Report

You can only delete a report if you meet the following conditions:

PM Compass filters the list of reports in the Reports grid with only those reports to which you have read-access either by ownership or by inclusion in the ACL.

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