Create Workflow Configuration Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to automatically create new workflows of a certain type.

A workflow is started automatically when you select the Create Workflow step action and complete the settings in this dialog box. The system automatically generates a new workflow in the system. This new workflow can be of any workflow type. It can be created as a child of the current workflow. It can be conditionally created based on whether any workflows of the selected workflow type already exist for the control account.

The final step action in the workflow is to create a Work Authorization Document (WAD).

When workflow is complete, a WAD will automatically be created (and the workflow started) using the Create Workflow step action on the Workflow Steps tab of Workflow Type Configuration for each control account. This action always occurs at step end.

Click the related workflow link on the Initial Work Authorization Links tab to see information on why the WAD was generated. You can view a related workflow link for each Work Authorization Document on the parent Related Workflows tab.  

For more information, see the following topics:

Workflow Type

Use the drop-down list to specify the workflow type to be configured.

Create as Child of Current Workflow

Select this check box to create a workflow as a child of the current record.

Create Only if No Workflows of this Type Exist for the Current Control Account

Select this check box to create a workflow if the workflow type has not been created yet for the control account.

Prefill the Cost Details Table

Select this check box to pre-fill the cost details table.


Enter the workflow title.


Enter the description for the workflow.

Assigned to

Use this field to identify to whom the workflow will be assigned.


Click this button to close the dialog box with the changes retained. The changes are saved when you click Save on the Alerts toolbar.


Click this button to cancel any changes and to close the dialog box.


Click this button to display the help for this topic.

View location

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