Adding Multiple Control Accounts to a Change Request

A change request can span multiple control accounts. In order to do so, you must configure the change request type to support multiple control accounts. A workflow type can support multiple control accounts when the following options are selected on the General tab of Workflow Type Configuration:

Once configured, you can select multiple control accounts on the change request form. You can add additional control accounts to the workflow when the workflow is in New or In Review status; however, after the sandbox is created, you cannot remove any control accounts that you previously added and saved. When you click Save or click the Change Details button, PM Compass adds the control accounts and child workflows to the Details grid and the sandbox. You can see that PM Compass is adding the child workflows by looking at the Status bar.

You cannot create a new control account as part of a change request. You must first add the control account to Cobra and then use the change request to add work packages or modify the existing work packages and activities.

A change request can only span a single Open Plan project. If there are many Open Plan projects to one PM Compass project, all selected control accounts as well as all activities that feed those control accounts must be contained within the same Open Plan project.

For each control account on the change request, a child workflow is created and added to the child tab of the parent change request. The child workflows are used in the Work Authorization report and in the dashboards. They make it easier to show how a single control account changes over time.

PM Compass uses two change request types to support multiple control account changes:

Deltek recommends that you copy the default change request types and make changes to your copy.

Enter All Changes in the Schedule

If you prefer to enter all changes in the schedule using Model Changes, you will need to edit the change request type to make the Control Account field not required. You may then start the workflow and all changes can be made in the schedule. In this case, the scheduler must be assigned to the first step in the workflow. See Modify a Change Request type to support selecting control accounts in Open Plan for more information.

What do you want to do?

Modify a change request type to support multiple control accounts

Modify a change request type to support selecting control accounts in Open Plan

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