Add a Menu Option

Use this procedure to add a menu option to the Navigation menu. Any option that you add to the Navigation menu also displays on the Deltek EPM Security Administrator (SA) Roles form PM Compass tab.

For more information, see the online documentation for EPM Security Administrator Help.

To add a menu option, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Application toolbar, click Settings ยป Navigation Menu Designer. Alternatively, at the bottom of the Navigation menu, click .

  2. On the Navigation Menu Designer dialog box, navigate to the area (or option) on the tree where you want to add a menu option.

  3. Right-click the option and click either Insert Before or Insert After on the shortcut menu. Example.

  4. Select the new node and provide information in all applicable fields.

  5. Click OK.

    When the new option is added to the PM Compass Navigation menu, all users automatically have access to it. If you want to restrict users from seeing a particular user-defined option, you can do so in the EPM SA.

When you add a top-level menu, it automatically becomes a parent-level menu but it does not perform any actions. The top-level menu only stores the levels under it.

What do you want to do?

Rename a menu option

Rearrange menu options

Indent or outdent a menu option

Delete a menu option

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