Use these steps to create progress entries for a single project. This is useful when a problem occurs with the creation of progress entries for a single project or when you have set up a new project and you want to test the process.
To create progress entries for a single project, complete the following steps:
On the Navigation menu, click Projects.
In the Projects List View, select the project for which you want to create progress entries and click Form View.
On the Progress tab, select Automatically Create Progress Workflows (if it is not already selected) and click Run Now.
The process is sent to the Scheduled Process Queue. When the process runs, existing progress entries for the selected project are deleted and progress entries for that same project are created. The progress entries are created regardless of whether today is the day that they should be created. The Period End Date changes for that project if today is the day when the progress cycle ends.
Click View Status to display the Process Queue to see when the process finishes and any termination messages.