Costpoint Enterprise Cloud Environments

The table below details the types of environments and system names (databases) that are included in the Costpoint Enterprise solution.

Environment System Name(s) Description
Production CompanyName Purpose

This environment is where your company’s live production databases are deployed and maintained.


Only the Deltek Cloud Operations team has access to the Production Environment and the databases residing in this environment. Direct access (using SQL or any other database tools) to the databases in the Production Environment is not permitted.

Application Version

The applications running in the Production Environment always run the latest version of the application software.

Production CompanyNameSBOX

Customers can purchase additional Systems (databases).


This Sandbox database allows users to test configuration changes before implementing these changes in your company’s production database.


The Sandbox database resides in the Production Environment and only the Deltek Cloud Operations team has direct database access to the Sandbox database. Direct access (using SQL or any other database tools) to the databases in the Production Environment is not permitted.

Application Version

The Sandbox runs the same version of the application as your company’s Production Environment.

All customers receive a Costpoint Sandbox database and a Time & Expense Sandbox database as part of their offering. The Costpoint Sandbox database is integrated with the Time & Expense Sandbox database. Customers cannot integrate the Sandbox database with their production database. For example, you cannot integrate your Costpoint Sandbox database with your Time & Expense Production database.

Database Refresh

Up to a maximum of 12 times per year, you can request that your company’s Costpoint or Time & Expense Sandbox database be refreshed with your current Costpoint or Time & Expense Production database. To do so, submit the Database Refresh service request.

IMPORTANT: Deltek reserves the right to reset your Sandbox database back to a blank database at anytime. Typically resetting your Sandbox database is only done when a major upgrade is scheduled. If Deltek plans to reset your Sandbox database to a blank database this will be included in the customer communication plan.

Implementation/Test CompanyNameCONFIG, CompanyNameTEST

Customers can purchase additional Systems (databases).


The Implementation/Test Environment serves two purposes. The first purpose is to support a customer’s initial implementation/migration to the cloud. An Implementation Environment is provided to all customers upon initial activation in the cloud. Once a customer has successfully completed their implementation or migration they should submit the Promote to Production service request to promote their databases to the Production Environment.

The second purpose is to support customer’s testing efforts as part of the software development lifecycle in the cloud. Testing of Extensibility Packages, Web Services, Stored Procedures and Custom Database Objects is performed in the Test Environment. Once testing is complete you can schedule the Promote to Production service request to deploy your development project to your Production Environment.

Please review the Promote to Production Service Request thoroughly as there are restrictions as to when you can promote development projects to the Production Environment.


Users have elevated access to their databases in the Implementation/Test Environment. This allows users to perform implementation services, data migration and testing. Users have access to SQL Server Management Studio in the Implementation/Test Environment. Access to SQL Server Management Studio is provided via Citrix.

Important: Users do not have SQL Server Management Studio access to the databases in the Production Environment.

The SaaS Customer Administrator must submit the Request SQL Server Management Studio Access service request to provide a user with SQL Server Management Studio rights. If a SaaS Developer is assigned SQL Server Management Studio rights they will receive access in both the Implementation/Test Environment and the Development Environment.

The user is provided the following database rights:

  • Connect
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Create Table (only with customer's user schema)

Users do not have access to the file server in the Implementation/Test Environment.

Database Objects are not visible in the Object Explorer navigation pane. Users are required to open a query window and connect to the database using the USE command.

You will be required to enter your database name. If you do not know your database name please refer to your Welcome Email.

All allowable system objects can still be viewed using the SYSOBJECTS and SYSCOLUMNS commands, and SP_HELP.

You can access the Costpoint Data Dictionary by navigating to the Print Data Dictionary Report in Costpoint located in the Administration > System Administration > System Administration Reports/Inquiries.

Application Version

The Implementation/Test Environment is updated to the next application version at the same time the Non-Production Environment is updated.

Database Refresh

Up to a maximum of 12 times per year, customers can request that their Costpoint and/or Time & Expense Implementation/Test database be refreshed. A Database Refresh service request must be submitted in order for Deltek to process the database refresh.

Additional Systems (databases)

Customers can purchase additional Systems (databases) in the Implementation/Test Environment.

General Information

Your Implementation/Test Environment is always available. Deltek Cloud Operations may request that specific databases be removed if they are not being used.

Development CompanyNameDEV

Customers can purchase additional Systems (databases).


The Development Environment is available for developing Extensibility Packages, Web Services, Stored Procedures and Custom Database Objects.

The Development Environment will include all applications you are licensed for (Costpoint, Time & Expense, Budgeting & Planning).


The SaaS Customer Administrator must submit the Request SQL Server Management Studio Access service request to provide the SaaS Developer with SQL Server Management Studio rights. A SaaS Developer is assigned SQL Server Management Studio rights in both the Implementation/Test Environment and the Development Environment.

The user is provided the following database rights:

  • Connect
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Create Table
  • Create View
  • Create Procedure
  • Create Trigger
  • Show Plan

The following additional Permissions are provided for metadata.

Read-only access to the three tables:


Users do not have access to the file server in the Implementation/Test Environment.

Database Objects are not visible in the Object Explorer navigation pane. Users are required to open a query window and connect to the database using the “USE” command.

You will be required to enter your database name. If you do not know your database name please refer to your Welcome Email.

All allowable system objects can still be viewed using the SYSOBJECTS and SYSCOLUMNS commands and SP_HELP.

You can access the Costpoint Data Dictionary by navigating to the Print Data Dictionary Report in Costpoint located in the Administration > System Administration > System Administration Reports/Inquiries.

Please see the Available Development Tools section in this guide for a list of the development tools available to the SaaS Developer in the Development Environment.

Users do not have access to the file server in the Implementation/Test Environment. Costpoint Enterprise Reporting (CER) is not available in the Development Environment.

Application Version

The Development Environment is updated to the next application version at the same time the Non-Production Environment is updated.

Database Refresh

Up to a maximum of 12 times per year, you can request that your company’s Costpoint or Time & Expense Development database be refreshed. To do so, submit a Database Refresh service request.

Additional Systems (databases)

Customers can purchase additional Systems (databases) in the Development Environment.

Development 2 CompanyNameDEV2

Customers can purchase additional Systems (databases).


Additional Development Environments are available for a fee. The additional Development Environments will allow companies to manage multiple development projects at the same time. Please see the description for the Development Environment above for more information.

Release Validation Program CompanyNameRVP


The Release Validation Program’s (RVP) main goal is to allow clients to thoroughly conduct end-to-end testing on the latest software release, prior to upgrade. The goals of the RVP are as follows:

  1. Create a managed, scalable program to provide the participating clients with the information and best practices to thoroughly test the latest software release.
  2. Feedback and confirmation that the latest software release has met Deltek’s quality requirements, testing clients’ solution setup and data.
  3. Allow Deltek to react quickly to any issues that are found to minimize downstream impacts to other clients.

Enrollment & Participation Requirements

Costpoint Enterprise customers are invited to enroll in the Release Validation Program (RVP). Your SaaS Administrator will be provided with instructions on how to enroll in the program.

As a member of the RVP program, your team will be asked to perform the following tasks on a quarterly basis. Your RVP system will have the latest Quarterly Release installed.

  1. Perform testing of your daily Costpoint processes.
  2. Test the new features you plan to enable in your Production System.
  3. Test your custom work, including extensions, integrations web services etc.
  4. Provide feedback to RVP surveys and questionnaires.

It’s important that customers who have enrolled in the RVP participate fully in the program. Customers that do not participate may be asked to exit the program to make room for another customer to participate.


The SaaS Customer Administrator must submit the Request SQL Server Management Studio Access service request to provide the SaaS Developer with SQL Server Management Studio rights. A SaaS Developer is assigned SQL Server Management Studio rights in both the Implementation/Test Environment and the Development Environment.

The user is provided the following database rights:

  • Connect
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Create Table
  • Create View
  • Create Procedure
  • Create Trigger
  • Show Plan

The following additional Permissions are provided for metadata. Read-only access to the three tables:


Users do not have access to the file server in the Implementation/Test Environment.

Database Objects are not visible in the Object Explorer navigation pane. Users are required to open a query window and connect to the database using the “USE” command.

You will be required to enter your database name. If you do not know your database name please refer to your Welcome Email. All allowable system objects can still be viewed using the SYSOBJECTS and SYSCOLUMNS commands and SP_HELP.

You can access the Costpoint Data Dictionary by navigating to the Print Data Dictionary Report in Costpoint located in the Administration > System Administration > System Administration Reports/Inquiries.

Please see the Available Development Tools section in this guide for a list of the development tools available to the SaaS Developer in the Development Environment. Users do not have access to the file server in the Implementation/Test Environment. Costpoint Enterprise Reporting (CER) is not available in the Development Environment.

Application Version

The RVP Environment will receive the Quarterly Release as soon as it is available, this environment will have the new features before your Development, Non-Production or Production environments.

Database Refresh

Your data will automatically be refreshed from Production within 2 weeks prior to the next Quarterly Release.