Regular Hours Rules Tab

Use the Regular Hours Rules tab to set up business rules governing the regular hours for each of your timesheet classes. You can specify separate validation rules for daily, weekly, day of the week in which the work week starts, and UDT10CS pay type.

Validation rules are used to control the number or range of hours and start day of the work week that an employee can enter on a timesheet. The information you specify on this tab is used during time entry to do the following:

  • Determine if hours entered should be treated as regular hours based on work hours for the day or week
  • Verify that regular hours have been entered for a UDT10CS Pay Type code with the correct regular pay rate
  • Provide the correct level of validation for entries that violate the rules


Field Description

Select the level of validation you want to apply to daily regular hours entered by employees. The available options are:

  • None — No edit occurs.
  • Error — If employees do not enter the correct number of hours for a day, they cannot sign their timesheet until corrected.
  • Warning — If employees do not enter the correct number of hours for a day, they receive a warning message upon signing, but they can proceed.

Enter the minimum regular hours that must be entered each day.


Enter the maximum regular hours that may be entered each day.


Field Description
Under Validation

Select the level of validation you want to apply when an employee's hours are less than the timesheet period standard hours. The available options are:

  • None — No validation occurs.
  • Error — If employees do not enter enough hours for a period, they are not able to sign the timesheet until corrected.
  • Warning — If employees do not enter enough hours for a period, they receive a warning message upon signing, but may proceed.
Over Validation

Select the level of validation you want to apply when an employee's hours are greater than the timesheet period standard hours. The available options are:

  • None — No edit occurs.
  • Error — If employees enter too many hours for a period, they are not able to sign the timesheet until corrected.
  • Warning — If employees enter too many hours for a period, they receive a warning message upon signing their timesheet, but may proceed.


Field Description

Select the level of validation you want to apply for weekly regular hours entered by employees. The available options are:

  • None — No edit occurs.
  • Error — If employees do not enter the correct number of hours for a week, they are not able to sign their timesheet until corrected.
  • Warning — If employees do not enter the correct number of hours for a week, they receive a warning message upon signing their timesheet, but may proceed.

Enter the minimum regular hours that must be entered each week.


Enter the maximum regular hours that may be entered each week. Hours charged to Leave are not included as part of the weekly totals when calculating the maximum.

Week Starts

Select the day of the week on which the work week starts.

UDT01CS Type

Field Description

Select the level of validation on the hours charged to the UDT01CS type associated with this timesheet class. The available options are:

  • None — No edit occurs.
  • Error - If employees worked less than the minimum required hours based on the UDT01CS type, an error displays when signing their timesheet. They must correct the timesheet hours before proceeding. If employees worked more than the maximum required hours allowed based on the UDT01CS type, an error displays.
  • Warning — If employees worked less than the recommended hours based on the UDT01CS (Account) type, a warning displays when signing their timesheet. If employees worked more than the recommended regular hours based on the UDT01CS type, a warning displays.

Break Rules

This section contains fields that enable you set rules related to breaks.

Since breaks are only tracked for the Start/Stop and Time In/Out entry methods, fields in this section are disabled if the Entry Mode is selected as Standard.

Note: If Entry Mode is selected as either Attendance Required or Attendance Optional (Time In/Out), Track Lunch Start/End on the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Settings (Time & Expense > Time > Time Controls) screen must also be selected.

Hours entered in these fields are validated against the timesheet when it is saved, and a message is given if breaks are not logged within the specified period.

If the user dismisses the warning and saves the timesheet without logging a break, the action is added to logged warnings, unless the break is entered later and the timesheet is re-saved.

Note: These fields can also be configured in conjunction with the Enable Paid Breaks setting on the Basic Information tab for any of the Start/Stop Time modes.
Field Description
Maximum Hours Before Rest Break Warning

Use this field to specify the maximum number of hours that members of the selected timesheet class are allowed to work before taking a break.

Maximum Hours Before Meal Break Warning

Use this field to specify the maximum number of hours that members of the selected timesheet class are allowed to work before taking a meal break.

If you update the value in this field, it must be greater than the value set is Maximum Hours before Rest Break Warning, unless both are set to 0.