Implement Per Diems

This is the general process for implementing per diems.

To implement per diems, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the appropriate government per diem files.

    Visit the Per Diem Committee Web site, perdiem, and download the appropriate files.

  2. Set up your per diem schedules (Settings > Per Diem Schedules).

    Set up the schedules by defining the source, contents, and input options.

  3. Import, review (edit, if necessary), and post the location per diem information to your per diem schedules. For more on how to update per diem schedules, see Concept Topic: Update Per Diem Schedules.
  4. Create per diem lodging and meal expense types (Settings > Expense Types).

    Check Per Diem and select either Reimbursement or Ceiling.

    You can use combined per diem when setting up expense types if you reimburse both lodging and meals using per diem rates and you want the employee to enter one expense for both instead of a separate expense for each. This simplifies the entry of the expense for the employee. The per diem method must be "Allowance." It cannot be "Ceiling."

    When you set up the expense type for this type of per diem, be sure you select Meals in Wizard Type.

  5. Create per diem expense report types (Settings > Expense Report Types).

    Check Per Diem and associate the appropriate expense types with the expense report type. Also set the first and last day meal percentage, along with any adjustment percentage.