Resources Subtask

Use this subtask to add and track all contacts related to or involved with the activity.

You can link multiple lead/contact records to a single activity. You can also enter additional resources such as customers, vendors, and employees.

After you save the activity record, no edits other than the Primary Contact check box will be allowed regardless of the resource type.

If you leave this subtask blank and save the activity record, Costpoint automatically populates this subtask with lead/contact information for the lead/contact ID specified on the header screen.


Click New to add a new record.

Field Description
Resource Type

Select the resource type from the drop-down list. Valid options are:

  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Customer
  • Lead
  • Other
Business ID

This field is enabled only if you selected Vendor or Customer in Resource Type.

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the vendor/customer related to the activity. Both regular and prospective vendors/customers are valid for entry or selection.

Business Name

If Resource Type is Vendor or Customer, this field displays the name of the vendor/customer entered in Business ID.

If Resource Type is Other, you can enter any business name in this field.

If Resource Type is Employee or Lead, this field is blank and disabled.

Resource ID

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the resource/contact involved with the activity. The availability and lookup of this field depend on the selected Resource Type:

  • Resource Type = Employee: In the field lookup, employees with an Active status are displayed by default. You can click Query on the lookup window and remove this default query to view all employees regardless of status.
  • Resource Type = Vendor: This field is enabled only once you have selected a Business ID. The lookup displays valid contacts for the selected vendor.
    Note: In Table view, you select the resource ID in the Seq No field, and the Resource ID is automatically populated with a unique identifier for the vendor contact. If you select a resource ID in Form view, and then you switch to Table view, that resource ID is displayed in the Seq No field.
  • Resource Type = Customer: This field is enabled only once you have selected a Business ID. The lookup displays valid contacts for the selected customer.
  • Resource Type = Lead: In the field lookup, leads/contacts with a qualified stage set to New Lead or Qualified are displayed by default. You can click Query on the lookup window and remove this default query to view all leads/contacts regardless of qualified stage value.

    Note: For activity records that are saved with the Resources subtask blank, Costpoint automatically populates this subtask with the lead/contact information for the lead/contact ID specified on the header screen. When you create a new resource record with a Resource Type of Lead, you can specify a different lead/contact ID. In this case, the activity will be associated with both the lead/contact from the header screen and the new lead/contact ID that you specified in Resource ID.
  • Resource Type = Other: This field is blank and disabled.
Resource First Name

If Resource Type is Other, enter the resource first name in this field.

For all the other resource types, this field displays the first name of the selected Resource ID.

Resource Last Name

If Resource Type is Other, enter the resource last name in this field.

For all the other resource types, this field displays the last name of the selected Resource ID.


If Resource Type is Other, enter the title of the resource in this field.

For all the other resource types, this field displays the title of the selected Resource ID.


If Resource Type is Other, enter the phone number of the resource in this field.

For all the other resource types, this field displays the phone number of the selected Resource ID.


Depending on the resource type as well as on the selected business ID for vendors/customers, this field displays any of the following values:

  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Prospective Vendor
  • Customer
  • Prospective Customer
  • Lead
  • Other
Email Address

If Resource Type is Other, enter the email address of the resource in this field.

For all the other resource types, this field displays the email address of the selected Resource ID.

Primary Contact Select this check box if this resource is the primary contact for the activity. Only one resource can be designated as the primary contact for each activity. If you attempt to select this check box for multiple resources, Costpoint displays an error.
Notes Enter additional notes or comments about the resource.