Setup reports

Use the setup reports to review a summary of the options you selected and information you entered when setting up:

  • Activities
  • Bank Accounts
  • Clients
  • Contacts
  • Employees
  • Invoice Formats
  • Overhead Groups
  • Rate Tables
  • Roles
  • Vendors

To review a list without the detail for setup options you selected, print the list reports.



Producing the reports

From the > Reports menu, click Setup and select the report you want to produce.

Customize options

Field Description

Report title

You can change the title of the report.

Status to print

Prints all items or only active or inactive items.

Not applicable to the Role Setup report

Use drilldown

If selected, you can drill down to further detail on the report. If cleared, all information, including the lowest level of detail, prints on the report.

Print customize options on report

If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select.

Additional option for the Contact Setup report:

Sort order

Sorts the report by first name or last name

Additional options for the Employee Setup report:

Sort order

Sorts the report by first name or last name

Print pay information

If selected, it prints the information that you set up for the employee from > Setup > Employees > Pay Information tab if the View employee cost check box is selected for the role ( > Setup > Company > Roles > General tab).

Additional options for the Role Setup report:

Print employees assigned

If selected, it lists the employees assigned to each role

Print setup

If selected, it lists the > Setup menu options that the role can access

Print reports

If selected, it lists the reports that the role can access