Session inquiry

Use this inquiry to see information about sessions in Ajera, such as session key, session task, employee, and end time.

You can click a link to view the entries created, changed, and deleted in a session. You can also view the accounts affected by the entries.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > Session.


Accounting staff

Inquiry conditions

The inquiry automatically contains a condition to show only data from sessions that ended within the last day. You can always add, change, or delete conditions on an inquiry.

Standard columns

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available

Session Key

GL Entry

The database identifier of the session


Session Task

GL Entry

The task associated with the session

Examples: Process Payroll, Client Invoices, Time & Expenses




The employee associated with the session


End Time


The date and time the session ended


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry.

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available

Employee Key


The database identifier of the employee associated with the session


Start Time


The date and time the session began


Machine Name


The name of the computer for the session




The version of Ajera used for the session


Entry Cutoff Date


The cutoff date associated with the session


Defined links:

Link - GL Entry - Accrual

GL Entry

A link to the GL Entry inquiry


Link - GL Entry - Cash

GL Entry

A link to the GL Entry inquiry with a condition limiting the information to cash entries