Sales Tax Preparation report

Use this report if you collect sales tax. It shows tax amounts by sales tax code.



Producing the report

From the > Reports menu, click Financial > Sales Tax Preparation.

Customize options

Option Description

Report title

You can change the title of the report.

Print customize options on reports

If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select.

Report contents

Column Description


The sales tax code


The project ID

Project Description

The name of the project

Tax Rate

The rate at which services and expenses are taxed

Taxable Sales

The amount of taxable sales for tangible personal property and services

Nontaxable Sales

The amount of nontaxable sales for tangible personal property and services

Total Sales

The amount of taxable and nontaxable sales for tangible personal property and services

Tax Invoiced

The amount of tax included on a client invoice

Tax Received

The amount of tax paid on a client invoice

Tax Written-Off

The amount of tax not paid that you must write off