Recurring Vendor Invoice inquiry

Use this inquiry to see information for recurring vendor invoices.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > Vendor > Recurring Vendor Invoice.


Accounting staff

Standard columns

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available



The vendor associated with the recurring invoice


Invoice Description


The name of the recurring invoice


Invoice Number


The number of the recurring invoice


Increment Invoice Number


Indicates if the Increment check box is selected for the recurring vendor invoice


Invoice Date


The invoice date of the recurring invoice


Day of the Month


The day of the month when you want to create the recurring vendor invoice


Last Increment


The last number appended to the invoice number for further identification


Effective Start Date


The date when you want to start producing the recurring vendor invoice


Effective End Date


The date when you want to stop producing the recurring vendor invoice




Indicates if the Autopay check box is selected, which automatically create a vendor invoice as paid (no outstanding balance in Manage > Vendor Invoices)


Bank Account


The bank account of the EFT transaction produced by the automatic payment


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. These columns are available:

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available

Recurring Vendor Invoice Key


Database identifier of the recurring vendor invoice


Vendor Key


Database identifier of the vendor


Vendor Invoice Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company associated with the vendor invoice


Vendor Invoice Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company associated with the vendor invoice




Indicates if the recurring vendor invoice is active or inactive


Date Last Created


The last time you created the recurring vendor invoice


Bank Account Key


Database identifier of the bank account




Any notes about the recurring vendor invoice


Defined links:

Link - Recurring Invoice Distribution

Recurring Invoice Distribution

A link to the Recurring Invoice Distribution inquiry