Changing a recurring journal entry setup

Change a recurring journal entry setup when you want the change to apply to all the recurring journal entries you create in the future.

To change a recurring journal entry setup

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Company > Recurring Setup > Recurring Journal Entries.
  2. Click the recurring journal entry you want to change, and click Edit.
  3. Change when you want to create the journal entry, as needed.

To create a journal entry

Do this

Every month

If there is a date in the Accounting Date field, delete it.

In the Day of Month field, type the day of the month (as a number of 1 through 31) when you want to create the journal entry.

To create the journal entry on the last day of every month, type 31. Ajera then creates it on the last day of every month even if the month has only 28, 29, or 30 days.

For a time period other than monthly

Set up a separate journal entry (following the instructions for Setting up recurring journal entries) for each time period when you want to create the journal entry.

In the Accounting Date field, enter the date when you want to create the journal entry.

For example, you want a journal entry to recur quarterly. You set up a separate journal entry for each quarter. For the first journal entry, in this field, you enter 01/01/2009. For the second journal entry, you enter 04/01/2009, and so on for each quarter.

One time only

If there is a date in the Day of Month field, delete it.

In the Accounting Date field, type the date when you want to create the journal entry.

  1. Change information for the recurring journal entry, as needed.




Multi-company only. The company that the journal entries are for


Reference number used to group and track journal entries for auditing and reporting purposes. This number appears on every occurrence of the recurring journal entry.

Last increment

Select the Increment check box to append the reference number with a 4-digit number and increment that number by 1 each time you create a successive journal entry.

If you leave the Last Increment field as 0000, Ajera automatically appends 0001 to the first journal entry, 0002 to the second journal entry, and so on.

If you want to increment a number other than 0000, type it in the Last Increment field. For example, the reference number is 9000 and you want to assign reference numbers of 9000-4001, 9000-4002, 9000-4003, and so on, so you type 4000 in the Last Increment field.


A description of the journal entry

Effective From/Through

The Effective From date is when you want Ajera to start producing the recurring journal entry in > Manage > Recurring Journal Entries.

The Effective Through date is when you want Ajera to stop producing it.


The accounting basisof the journal entry. A journal entry in Ajera automatically reflects both an accrual and cash accounting basis.

To specify an accrual-only or cash-only accounting basis, in the Basis field, click the accounting basis you want. The accounting basis applies to the entire set of transactions that make up the journal entry.

Last created

The date the journal entry was last created

When you create recurring journal entries in > Manage > Journal Entries, Ajera displays only journal entries later than this date.

  1. In the table part of the window, each row contains a debit or credit transaction. Change the transactions, as needed.
Note: You cannot enter a negative value for a transaction; however, if necessary, you can enter a credit to an account that normally contains a debit, or a debit to an account that normally contains a credit.
  • To add a transaction in the table, enter information on the last available row.
  • To delete a transaction in the table, click the row, and click Delete. Click Yes to delete the row.

The balance on the journal entry must equal zero before it can be saved. Ajera displays the balance status under the table.




The account associated with the transaction.

  • unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on - If you enter an allocated account, a message appears asking if you want to use the allocations (which you previously set up for the account in > Setup > Company > Financials > Chart of Accounts > Allocations tab). Do one of the following:


Do this

Use the account allocations

Click Yes. Ajera makes the Department field unavailable and selects the Allocated check box to indicate you are using account allocation.

Not use the account allocations

Click No. Either enter the department or change it, as needed.

  • If you do not enter an allocated account but are using departments, enter the department.


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

If using departments, the department associated with the transaction


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

Ajera selects this check box to indicate you are using an account allocation.

Debit amount

The debit amount of the transaction

Credit amount

The credit amount of the transaction


Any notes about the transaction

Ajera displays these notes in the GL Entry inquiry.

  1. Click Save.