Track Changes Rules and Mechanics

Use this reference to learn how track changes work and interact with other features of Specpoint, especially design automation.

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General Rules

The following general rules and mechanics apply:
  • In the project workspace, Specpoint tracks changes only for added families, sections, and product types.
  • In the office master workspace, Specpoint tracks changes for all office master families with work items.
  • Specpoint always tracks changes and stores change data in an eligible element. The Show changes option on the Track Changes tab () controls only the visibility of track changes in the workspace.
  • Specpoint tracks specific user and automated changes to articles and product types.

    For more information, see Track Change Types.

User Actions

The following rules and mechanics apply based on your actions in the workspace:
  • Removing a content item, such as a user-added article, with an unresolved track change permanently removes the track change data.
  • Inactivating a content item hides the track change data. When you activate an inactive item with a track change, Specpoint restores the track change data.

Automated Changes

The following rules and mechanics apply for design automation changes:
Category Rules and Mechanics
Addition of Articles The following mechanics apply:
  • Accepting an addition change of an article does not affect its paragraphs.
  • Rejecting an addition change of an article deletes all its paragraphs.
Removal of Articles The following mechanics apply:
  • Accepting a deletion change of an article deletes all its paragraphs.
  • Rejecting a deletion change of an article does not affect its paragraphs.
Addition of Paragraphs The following mechanics apply:
  • Accepting an addition change of a paragraph does not affect its subparagraphs.
  • Rejecting an addition change of a paragraph deletes all its subparagraphs.
  • Accepting an addition change of a subparagraph does not affect its parent paragraphs. However, if a subparagraph is left without a parent paragraph, the subparagraph will be deleted regardless of its accepted addition change.
  • Rejecting an addition change of a subparagraph does not affect its parent paragraphs.
Removal of Paragraphs When you delete a paragraph, Specpoint's design automation deletes all its subparagraphs and tracks each automated change individually. For more information, see Removal of Element Contents.
The following mechanics apply:
  • Accepting a deletion change of a subparagraph does not affect its parent paragraphs.
  • Accepting a deletion change of a parent paragraph deletes all its subparagraphs.
  • Rejecting a deletion change of a paragraph does not affect its parent paragraphs and subparagraphs. However, if a subparagraph is left without a parent paragraph, the subparagraph will be deleted regardless of its rejected deletion change.
Shared Properties Specpoint tracks changes in a shared property, such as a product type property, in the all the families/sections and product types that share it. You must have shared properties (Show Shared Properties ) set to visible on the element form.

Accept All or Reject All

When you accept all track changes within an element, Specpoint processes each track change as if you individually accepted each one. Likewise, when you reject all track changes, Specpoint processes each track change as if you individually rejected each one.

For each accepted or rejected track change, the platform performs the following based on each track change's respective type:
  • Update its in-line indicator on the element form.
  • Update its track change tip on the Track Changes tab ().
  • Apply all applicable automated changes.