Project Elements

In Specpoint, projects consist of elements, such as assemblies, families/sections, and product types, that represent the functional elements of the project's structure or building.

Typically, project elements follow a hierarchy, which determines the scope and level of detail of the properties that you define. The available elements and their hierarchical structure depend on the format that you choose to work with. The platform enables you to work with the following formats:

Both formats are published by the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), with each having its own advantages. You can use each format exclusively or interchangeably within Specpoint depending on the team or project type.

Features are available in the project workspace for managing your project's elements in either format. Use these project elements to add, remove, and modify contents, such as performance requirements, paragraphs, and properties, in your project specifications.

Design Automation

When you perform actions on a project element, Specpoint automatically makes adjustments to maintain the hierarchical structure of the contents. For example, in UniFormat, when you add a project element, Specpoint automatically adds the assemblies and/or family above the project element. Likewise, when you remove a project element, the platform automatically removes the element's child assemblies, families, and/or product types, if applicable. This ensures that your A/E firm's project specifications always follow the content structure of either format.

For more information, see Design Automation for Project Elements.