Contents of an Option Set (Office Master)

Use the contents of an option set to provide your firm's design professionals with options within in a paragraph.

Navigate to the following contents:


Description Create an option/pill to enable users to select prescribed values in an element's paragraph or property.
Add Command To add an option/pill, place your cursor in the paragraph text and click or press CTRL+ALT+P.
Modify Command To modify an option's value, click the option/pill value and enter text.
Remove Command To delete an option/pill, click x.

Text Field

Description Create a text field or insert option to enable users to enter custom values in an element's paragraph or property.
Add Command To add a text field, place your cursor in the paragraph text and click or press CTRL+ALT+T.
Modify Command To modify a text field's default value, click the text field value and enter text.
Remove Command To delete a text field, click x.

Unit of Measure (UOM) Field

Description Create a unit of measure (UOM) field to enable users to enter measurement values in an element's paragraph or property.
Add Command To add a UOM field, place your cursor in the paragraph text and click or press CTRL+U.
Note: You can add a UOM field within an option/pill.
Modify Command To modify a UOM field value, click the UOM field value and enter text.
Remove Command To delete a UOM field, click x.