Contents of the Map Tab

Use the contents on this tab to view project data on the Project Research Map.

Navigate to the following contents:


The following table shows the available information and controls on the Project Research Map:

Item Description
Map This pane shows a heat map representation of all the projects in Deltek Specpoint and Deltek e-SPECS. This map shows each state/province with its project count and in a color based on its project count.
The following commands are available within the map:
  • Click any part of the map and drag your cursor to any direction to pan the map and view other areas of the map.
  • Hover over an active state/province to view its name and project count.
  • Click a country, state, or province to add that location as a value in the Country or State filter field.
Map Controls Use the following buttons to control your view of the Project Research Map:

  • Home: Navigate to the United States and reset the zoom ratio.
  • +: Zoom in.
  • -: Zoom out.
Note: Alternatively, you can place your cursor on the map and use the mouse scroll to zoom in and out.
Map Legend Use this legend to identify the number of projects in a location based on its color on the Project Research Map.

Legend Toggle Click (toggle switch) to hide or show the map legend.
Top 10 Quick Results This pane lists the top 10 projects that fit the current filter.

Top 10 Quick Results

This pane previews each project with the following information:

Field Description
Last Updated This is the date when the project was last updated.
State/Province This is the state where the project is located.
Building Type This is the building's type or purpose.
Budget This is the budget range for the project's construction.
More Details Click this to display the Project Overview Data window and view the project's overview information, families, and manufacturers.