Install Specpoint Plug-in for Revit

Install Specpoint plug-in for Revit to gain access to tools for integrating your Specpoint project specifications with your Revit model.

Note: You must have administrator or elevated privileges for your Windows user account.

Before you can install the plugin, you must install Autodesk Revit and download the installation file for the plug-in.

To install Specpoint plug-in for Revit:

  1. Run the installation file, SpecpointRevitInstaller.exe.
    This installation file automatically installs the correct version of the plug-in for your version of Revit.
  2. In the Specpoint Revit Plug-in Console Setup wizard, click Next.
  3. Read the End-User License Agreement and select I accept the terms in the License Agreement.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Windows User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.
    Specpoint installs the required plug-in files.
  6. Click Finish.