Flag a Product Listing for Review

Flag a product listing for review to consult with other project team members regarding its inclusion to the project. You can also flag a listing to bookmark it and filter for it later.

When an administrator or author tags a product listing for review, Specpoint automatically makes adjustments to related content items within the project.

For more information, see Flagging of Product Listings for Review.

To flag a product listing for review:

  1. Open the Product Listings window for a project.
  2. In the Product Listings window, click the Products tab.
  3. Search for the product listing that you want to flag.
    You can use filters to quickly find a product listing.

    You can flag only product listings that are currently not under review. These product listings do not display a flagged for review badge ().

  4. On the product listing card, hover over the photo and videos portion.
  5. Click .
    After you flag the product listing, the product listing card displays a flagged for review badge ().