Arrangement of Element Contents

Use this reference to learn about the multiple rules that apply and the changes that Specpoint makes to related content items when you arrange or move the contents of a project element.

Rules and Automated Changes

Content Item Rules Automated Changes
  • You can arrange or move only the contents of an added and active project element.
  • You can move only articles and paragraphs that are active on the element form.
Specpoint adjusts the numbering of affected articles and paragraphs.
Performance Requirement You cannot move or rearrange performance requirements. None
  • You can move an article only within its current element tab/part.
  • You can move an article only within its outline level.
  • Specpoint moves the article's paragraphs and subparagraphs, if any, along with the article.
  • Specpoint moves the article's notes to specifier, if any, along with the article.
Paragraph or Property Set For baseline paragraphs:
  • You can move a paragraph only within its parent article and its current element tab/part.
  • You can move a paragraph only within its current outline level.
  • You can move a subparagraph only within its parent paragraph.
For user-added paragraphs:
  • You can move a user-added paragraph across different articles and parent paragraphs.
  • You cannot move a user-added paragraph to a position wherein it would cause a duplicate property title/key issue with its parent or sibling paragraphs.
  • You can move a user-added paragraph onto different outline levels. However, this counts as a paragraph promotion or demotion.

    See Promotion or Demotion of Element Contents.

  • Specpoint moves the paragraph's subparagraphs, if any, along with the paragraph.
  • Specpoint moves the paragraph's notes to specifier, if any, along with the paragraph.