Add a Note to a Project or Project Element

Add a note to a project or a project element to include project-related information or additional context to a decision.

To add a note to a project or a project element:

  1. Open a project in the project workspace.
  2. In the project workspace, in the Categories pane, select a project category.
  3. To associate a project note to a project element, in the Project Elements pane, select an active assembly, family, or product type.
    Tip: The eligible project elements display in green. You can filter the list for only elements currently in your project.
  4. Under NOTES, click View.
  5. In the Notes window, click + Add Note.
  6. In the Add Note window, in the Add Note Name field, enter a unique name or title for the note.
  7. In the Note Type field, select whether this note refers to a project or a project element from the following options:
    • <Project Element Type> + <Project Element Number> + <Project Element Name>: Associate the project note to a specific project element that is active in the project. This is the project element that you currently have selected in the Project Elements pane of the origin project workspace (the project workspace from where you opened the Note window).
    • General Note: Associate the project note to the active project as a whole.
  8. In the Note Description field, enter a description of the note.
  9. In the Comments field, enter an initial comment for the note.
  10. Click Add.
    Specpoint adds a new project note card on the New board to reflect its current work status.