Troubleshoot Failed Schedule Integration

When the schedule integration fails, an email is sent to the approver, and the workflow action changes to Continue Approve.

To troubleshoot failed schedule integration:

  1. Navigate to the Links tab of the Workflow form view.

  2. Inspect the schedule integration process logs and focus on the log associated with the specific step number where the error occurred.

  3. The file name for this log will resemble something like: Step 1 - ScheduleIntegration – 0 Errors 4 Warnings.

    The warnings may indicate that data did not load, while errors require immediate attention.

  4. After addressing the errors, you can click Continue Approve to re-run the integration. If you need to make changes to the schedule before running the integration, reject the workflow back to the modeling session and approve it there.

If the workflow is failing at the complete step, there will be two process logs. The first log pertains to loading the budget change into Cobra, while the second log relates to loading the same change into the forecast. You can determine which process log you are viewing based on the message displayed at the top of the log: either Loading Budget or Loading Forecast.

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