Specifying Time

The following applies if you are using the Maconomy client for Java™.

When you enter the number of hours you have been working on a given task into the time sheet, Maconomy interprets your input as hours and minutes. For instance, if you work on a project for 1 hour and 45 minutes, you can enter “1:45” or simply “1 45” (notice the space) into the time sheet. However, if you work on a project for one-and-a-half hours, you can enter “1.5,” and Maconomy will then convert this to “1:30” when you press Return.

You can control how Maconomy should interpret your input into hour entry fields in the window Preferences. You can open this window by right-clicking this window. The field “Interpret hour entry as minutes when above” specifies the cut-off number used by Maconomy to determine if your entry is stated in minutes or in hours. For example, if the value is “10,” Maconomy interprets your time input in the following way:

Your Input Interpreted as Result
5 5 hours 5:00
10 10 hours 10:00
11 11 minutes 0:11
2.5 2 1/2 hours 2:30
2 05 2 hours and 5 minutes 2:05
245 245 minutes—that is, 4 hours and 5 minutes 4:05

Note that for this to work, the Disallow reg. on amount act. in time sheets system parameter must be enabled. If registration on amount activities were allowed, Maconomy would not know whether to format the input as hours or as a regular quantity.

Note also that the above assumes that you are using “:” as the time separator (selected in the field “Time format” in the window Preferences).