Exclude Overtime from Time Sheets

This feature enables the use of overtime specifications to register work time.

You can set up overtime types and choose what is included or excluded in the calculation of working time for each day.

When you create or edit an overtime type in System Setup > Parameters and Numbers > Popup Fields > Popup Field, select the Include in Regular Time field to specify that time registered using this type is included in regular time when the system calculates time sheets.

On time sheet lines, the Overtime Spec. field overtime type displays a Regular Time field to indicate whether it is included or not.

When an employee registers time using an overtime type where the Include in Regular Time check box is selected, it is treated as regular time. If the same check box is deselected on an overtime type, then used to register time, it is considered overtime. Additionally, if you create a time sheet line and do not specify a value in the Overtime Spec. field, this is considered regular time.

The Exclude Overtime field has the same value on every day within a time sheet period, and is defined by the employee revision on the time sheet start per day.

When you select this field, the following occur:

  • The minimum and maximum time validations are switched to use regular time for comparison.
  • The system switches the layouts to show data for regular time, overtime, and balance.