Accounts Receivable

The CPA Solution has a fully integrated Accounts Receivable (A/R) module.

For instance, when you complete a client bill, the A/R module immediately displays the invoice and makes it available for reconciliation when you eventually collect cash from the client.

In the A/R module, the Finance Department can handle the following processes:

  • Set up template clients to be used when creating clients in the solution.
  • Use client hierarchies to establish client relationships for reporting purposes, supported with up to five levels of hierarchy.
  • Use linking rules to set up hierarchies between clients (for example, linking clients that are part of the same group and, therefore, may have identical payment terms).
  • Share the same client number and still manage client data by legal company, if you run a multi-company setup (with multiple legal companies in the Maconomy database).
  • Enter client payments, using two different methods.
  • Reconcile client payments with invoices (you can also reconcile credit memos with invoices).
  • Look up client journals and review history.