AR Lookups

The AR Lookups workspace within the CPA solution includes four lookup windows that provide different value based on the type of information that you want to access.

  • List of Client Entries: This lookup offers options for showing details in the filter. After you choose options, you can view the complete details of an individual A/R transaction, including the reconciliation, entry detail, complete transaction, and journal, as well as the origin (that is, client billing view where the invoice came from).
  • Open Entry Client Statement: This lookup shows only open A/R transactions (that is, those that are not yet reconciled to client payments and/or credit memos).
  • Periodic Client Statement: This lookup enables you to set a from/to date and view the client debits/credits over the specified period.
  • Show Client Reconciliation: This lookup allows you to view all historical client reconciliations and even choose to un-reconcile if a mistake was made in AR Transactions.
